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Why Choose Us

Happy Customers

What they’re saying

Pepz's teachings have allowed me to become aware of how responsible I am for what has and will manifest in my life. I have learned how to release all resistance from my past to allow myself advancement to my next level. I believe in myself more than I have ever before. I have learned that I always have a choice and that I am happier knowing I worked towards something rather than wasting time doubting myself and questioning if I deserve what I seek. Since and with working with Pepz, I have increased my yearly income by at least 50%, earned a position at a new company that enhances my growth substantially more than my last company, built friendships with people that will contribute to my growth, improved relationships with myself and those closest to me and launched my lucrative and sought out business.  I have learned the importance of letting go. I realized that I attract what I am. Everything coming into my life is a reflection of the vibration I put out into the universe. More importantly, I find peace and have a clearer conscience because I understand that showing myself grace is important. I have learned the importance of integrity with everyone. People's time is important and something that needs to be respected. I can't be successful if I don't understand that because no one will do the same with me.  Pepz is a student of the same teachings and shares his experiences with me as a client. He doesn't expect me to be perfect but to be progressive in my work.

Adrian Franco
Project Manager/Entrepreneur

Since I started working with Pepz, I've noticed a total shift in my mindset and attitude. I am so much more optimistic and have more confidence in myself. Prior, I really limited myself and what I thought I could achieve. I was in a dark period of my life and I couldn't see my way out. Pepz helped me realize my full potential and realize that I can and should dream big. I've learned that I am capable of accomplishing all of my goals, no matter how big they might be. With Pepz's help, I was able to land my dream job after 1+ year of unemployment. With this job I also acquired a $30,000 annual pay increase (compared to my previous job). For me, this was totally life changing! During my time working with Pepz I've learned not to be so hard on myself. I can truly be my own worst critic when I should actually be my own biggest cheerleader. I've also learned not to be afraid of putting myself out there and asking for what I want. In the past I was very timid and afraid of rejection. You never know if you don't ask! Overall, he was able to help me see my own value and believe in myself. Since working with Pepz, I've become a lot better with my organizational skills. The biggest areas that I've seen improvement are in time and money management. By tracking both my time/daily activities and spending, I've been able to find patterns that I could improve upon. It's impressive to see how many lives that Pepz has made a positive impact on!

Olivia Akerley
UX Designer

The mentorship with Pepz was absolutely amazing... Within two weeks of working with him, I was able to secure a $30,000 (USD) commission. 

Mark Hunter
Regional Sales Director

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Pepz was the first person to ask me, ‘What is your five-year plan?’ and he always saw something great in me.  We did a full assessment of my growth—financially, mentally, and professionally—helping me execute my vision.  The steps Pepz gave me directly contributed to my success as the Associate Choreographer for The Wiz and a choreographer for Missy Elliott’s Out of This World tour.  He helped me break out of the matrix, lock in, and truly step into my

Anthony "Kanec" Carr
Missy Elliott Choreographer

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Pepz is an incredible mentor whose honesty and directness are refreshing and inspiring. He understands how to guide others in a healthy and effective way, combining tough love with genuine compassion. I believe he’s exactly the kind of mentor every young Latino needs—a true advocate who cares deeply about helping us reach our potential.

Mark Figueroa

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Working with Pepz was instrumental in advancing my career. His support with confidence building, interview preparation, resume development, and overall presentation gave me the tools to showcase my skills effectively. Thanks to his guidance, I created a polished resume and began coordinating more targeted projects for my portfolio. The results were immediate; I leveraged my new skills and updated resume to negotiate a raise in my current role, where I now serve as lead technician. Pepz’s expertise has not only increased my earning potential but also prepared me for future opportunities with confidence. I would recommend his services to anyone.

Mike Labathe
Cybersecurity Analyst

Pepz helped me focus on the type of career path that I wanted to go in and provided valuable tips in better understanding the type of company and role I was looking for. He always had several great resources to share on the types of things I needed to work on and was great at giving feedback and suggestions on my resume, portfolio...etc. It's obvious that Pepz cares about helping others and truly enjoys what he does!

Alexa Jarvis
UX/UI Designer

You’re amazing and I appreciate you so much!! Thank you for handing things the way you do. It’s very different than what I’m used to & have ever experienced.  (Slowly but surely) it’s working for me. Your patient, gentle, non-judging guidance is just the kind of leadership I need. Brings tears to my eyes, & truly means the world to have you and your support!! I’m very impressed by your thoughtful course, and so proud of you! Also, very happy that we met and I’m excited to see where life takes us!! 🥰🙏🏼

Rachel Scambray

Life Insurance Agent

Pepz was incredibly knowledgeable, professional and helpful in helping me with my career development. He would consistently go the extra mile to assist me with resume writing, interview practice and just general motivation! I cannot emphasize enough how great Andres is as a keynote speaker and coach but also as a person. Without his help I would not have been able to secure my most recent job and start my career in cybersecurity.

Max Blackburn

Language Analyst

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Pepz is an incredibly knowledgeable career coach, and his expertise has been crucial as I transition to a new career in data analytics. I recently attended his Career Creator program, which resonated with me. I completely revamped my resume and cover letter, boosting my confidence to update them independently in the future. Creating my portfolio to showcase my completed projects has been rewarding, and I now recognize the value of my previous skills and experience in my transition to a data analyst role. Each week's homework was challenging, but submitting it was fulfilling, and I feel well-prepared to use the tools we learned on my own.

Sarah Markham
Data Analyst

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Thanks to Pepz's guidance, I landed a new job in data analytics, significantly improving my confidence and interview skills while elevating my resume, cover letter, and portfolio.Pepz helped me to improve my application materials, including my resume, cover letter, and portfolio. Now, I feel much more confident applying for data analytics positions, and thanks to his support, I’ve already had several interviews. I feel better prepared and more optimistic about my job search."

Elizaveta Usacheva
Data Analyst

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I had the absolute pleasure having Pepz as our keynote speaker for our lunch and learn series around mental health. He set the bar so high for the rest of our series. His flexibility and willingness to speak to the issues surrounding our employees helped shape candid conversations we are still having. His vibrant spirit and flawless delivery made his presentation easy to follow. Everyone left uplifted and inspired to reach their goals. Thanks again for doing this. I hope to have you again in the future as everyone truly loved the presentation. You did an amazing job and I wish you all the best.

Ashley Andrea
PPL Electric

This bootcamp was a great for me and helped start to peel back the layers of weight on me that was necessary in my journey on personal growth. I started with a particular goal, and quickly found myself having trouble, not necessarily achieving the goal, but uncovering personal limitations that were inhibiting my growth towards achieving my goal. Pepz is dedicated and invests himself in his clients. He makes a point of even setting up additional time as needed for an individual one on one to further help your growth. I highly recommend taking on the journey with Pepz.

Apolinar Franco
Risk Management

I've had the privilege of working with Coach Andres at Springboard. From the onset, his dedication to student outcomes is very commendable. Andres doesn't just coach; he genuinely invests himself in every student's success, consistently going above and beyond to ensure that the placements help learners to fulfil their long term goals. Furthermore, his support isn't limited to students alone. He's also been a great team member, and looks for ways to create an atmosphere of teamwork and shared growth. He is truly an asset to any team, and I wholeheartedly recommend him and wish him great success in all his endeavours.

Nitti Mohan

Career Services Manager

Pepz guided me through rewriting my resume to make it more dynamic (and just overall written better) as well as helping me with interview prep and portfolio reviews. We practiced mock interviews and he gave me very helpful techniques and tricks to help me feel better prepared for the whole process. We met almost weekly for a while, and I knew he really cared about my job search journey. I could not have landed the job I did without his support and guidance.

Joanna Merganthaler

UI/UX Designer

Working with Pepz on the “Get to Your Next Level Bootcamp” was amazing. At first I was apprehensive because I have never done anything like this before. But Pepz makes you feel so comfortable, (even when he’s digging into you lol!) that you feel like you are talking to a friend you’ve known forever. It was a great experience and I truly feel like I have grown for the better through this process. 

Priscilla Franco
Clinic Supervisor

Pepz was an incredibly helpful coach giving me insights into the different ways companies perceive candidates as well as his own take on what he believes tends to work best for prior candidates he has coached! I would say Pepz is a recruiting wizard!

Marcelo Fuentes

Sr. Data Analyst

During this bootcamp, I was able to push through and accomplish more than I thought I would. Through the challenges, I was able to reach my business goal in those 14 days and able to reach my income goal in less than a week. This time around I was determine to give more of myself and through Pepz coaching it helped me discover a piece of me I had longed to discover.

Miriam Gallardo

This program truly did what it said it would, it was a life changing experience which truly got me to get a clear vision of the person I want to become and gave me the starter tools to really get that journey started.

Montana Sholars

Personal growth is hard and the journey takes effort. However, Pepz has provided me with strategic tools and processes that help me shift my perspective and actions in my pursuit of self-improvement.

Peter Cooper


This last month with Pepz has been nothing short but a push that has allowed me to break through my limiting beliefs. I’ve gained momentum in not just my self confidence and self worth but areas like my career, my finances, my physical health and mental health. Pepz has given me a blueprint and I will continue to follow the steps I learned through his coaching to become the person I am meant to be.

Fred Romano


I feel very positive about how I go about making decisions going forward. 


I am more focused on my goals and more mindful financially. 

Yumi Rodriguez
Human Resources Specialist

[Pepz] is helping me to transition from where I am to where I want to be. [Pepz] honors my present position, but helps me to look and explore my desires. Pepz is an amazing life coach and I highly recommend him for anyone who wants to get more in tune.

Marisela Talero

Customer Service Rep.

This bootcamp made me realize what areas in my life I have worked hard on and the areas in which I need to work more on. Taught me how to be more organized and aware with my actions and how to be more disciplined in general. I also learned about myself personally like the different egos I carry and how to let it go. I am super grateful for this bootcamp and would do it all over again!

Ally Fermin


This bootcamp enabled me to form a foundation which both instilled and awakened my commitment, courage, motivation, and strength already within me to guide and execute my goals.

Angel Brown
Network Engineer

[Pepz] was persistent, effective on his deliverance and purpose of each session + homework.  


[The series] was well planned out and pretty much organized.

Briana Rivera


This was my first session, it was great. I feel like I’m getting better with explaining things and with other people’s responses it made me say “wow that was me, I’m not the only one?” I believe if you want to do better you will do better but if that’s not your goal Pepz is not for you.

Melle Bond

Medical Technician 

I am very thankful for [Pepz].  I feel I have gained more confidence and focus on the things I would like to accomplish.  His Get To Your Next Level bootcamp allowed me to see that I continuously made excuses for growing in every area in my life and if I put my mind to it I can accomplish anything.  It has been a life changing experience as far as my thoughts in success and business. He is patient, clear, persistent and follows through. Things have already been shifting in my world with his sessions and I am forever grateful. Thank you Pepz.

Jackie Ureña
Real Estate Agent

This experience has given me the gift of direction and focus I was really lacking.  It’s been like having an organizational expert help me sort and prioritize my creative and often wandering ideas. A total mind-set shift, Be prepared to be entertained, challenged, intrigued, and a bit overwhelmed until you grasp the idea that you don’t have to be a hamster in the wheel anymore. This BootCamp will invigorate your passion, challenge you to solve the problems that have been quietly surfacing in your business and make you realize that you can keep up, stay ahead, and have fun doing it, I highly recommend attending the BootCamp.  It is really cool how during the BootCamp we can ask a question and receive input not only from Pepz but from every other member in the group.

Jodyanne Bloise


Pepz was a key figure in helping me land my first gig in UX. His feedback was truly phenomenal and his words or encouragement helped me build the confidence I needed to nail every aspect of the interview process (from tweaking my resume, to hitting the most crucial touch points during my technical conversations). He was thorough and patient and his experience in the industry proved he knew exactly how to to help me navigate any situation present or future. I can't thank him enough for his help and abilities as a career coach!

Haden Trompak
UI/UX Designer

Since I started to work with Pepz I gained a new confidence in myself.  He gave me the tools to get rid of old habits so I could improve my mood, have a different mindset, and see things from a different perspective. Transitioning from “ why me “ to “why not me,” I learned how to be organized and set goals big and small, which I have accomplished faster than I usually do. Like recently I just got signed from a modeling agency, which had been a major goal of mine. 

I started to treat myself more like a human being, forgive past mistakes, and learn from them with patience and grace.  I also learned the importance of having direction and deadlines so that I  can control my life and not the other way around. I have learned how to be vulnerable and get rid of my ego, which led me to accomplish another major goal of mine which was, find a dance community where I could feel supported and a mentor that could help me improve my career. It’s been almost a year and lots of things have changed. Truly recommended Pepz to anyone that is serious about getting to their next level.

Mary Moretti

I had been a teacher my entire professional life, then made the decision to try to pivot into a new career in data analytics. Pepz was my career coach throughout the transition process, and he showed me how to search for industries and roles that aligned with my values and would give me the same sense of purpose that I had felt as an educator. He also reviewed my resume and gave great tips for refining it. But the biggest help from Pepz was when I began interviewing. He was so engaged and invested in my success, creating extra time to practice, doing mock interviews, and providing the most amazing feedback. He encouraged me to let my personality shine through in a way that interviewers ended up loving, and showed me techniques to handle tough technical questions that I couldn't really answer. I was so well prepared because of him. I was offered an amazing role less than an hour after I completed a single interview! I know this is because of what I learned from Pepz, and the confidence he fostered in me. I also enjoy his weekly emails, they are poignant, reflective, and so encouraging. I truly am so grateful for his guidance and highly recommend him.

Kimberly Richardson
Institutional Research Analyst

Since working with Pepz, my mindset is much more positive and at peace. I am able to look at situations, things, etc. with a much better frame of mind. Even with the most challenging things, I am able to push forward (even the almost impossible pushes) with a clear mind and not let negativity take over. I can make better sense of things.  I look at life with greater joy and gratitude! I love my mindset now, compared to 1-2 years ago!  Thanks to Pepz, I was able to get off my butt and be intentional with goals.  During my very first bootcamp with Pepz, I found work in about 3 weeks. I learned to really set goals and be intentional.  Last year, I was able to finally get my driver’s license. With his guidance/coaching, I took action, and was able to believe in my ability to do it. And this year, I did my entrance (by myself) at my daughter’s sweet 16 with confidence, pride, and self-respect like never before! I would not have done it 1-2 years ago. A huge breakthrough I had with Pepz was learning to accept and love myself for who I am and who I am not, including my loved ones, and others. I also learned to accept ‘what is’ and ‘what is not’.  I will never forget that session! I was going through a difficult situation in my family and that night was the first night I slept well in weeks! I currently have more confidence now than before to do things I would have never done (e.g., go by myself to the movies, go by myself to volunteer with the homeless, etc). I learned that I can be intentional, have goals, be responsible, be in integrity, and still have fun. I think better, respond better, feel better, etc!

Oldalina Sanchez
Speech Language Pathologist

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